FPB 029 How to Live Life On Purpose and Build a Thriving Personal Training Business

On Today’s Episode we have Mr. Justin Barclay.  Justin’s passion is connecting with people. He lives to inspire, motivate, and encourage others to live “life on purpose.” Justin understands that life isn’t always easy. He loves telling the story of how he lost over 100 pounds and has a heart for helping others do the…

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FPB 028 Gain The Clarity and Motivation You Need To Build Your Personal Training Business

Fit Pro Business Podcast episode #28: In todays interview we have Mr. Del Gerard.  Del is a motivational coach, inspirational speaker, minister and sales trainer. He is President of Gerard Motivations, home of “Higher-Level Development Training.”  For over three decades Del has helped business owners, executives, and entrepreneurs, remove the barriers and roadblocks, that stand in…

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FPB 027 How to Become Persistent and Consistent In Your Fitness Business

Fit Pro Podcast Episode #27 Interview with Richard Matharoo.  Richard is a five figure per month home business earner that really knows how to  market and build a thriving business.  Richard came from the fitness industry from the time he was 18-30 years old before he got into home business.          …

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FPB 026: Sales Acceleration and How to Close Sales For Personal Trainers

Fit Pro Business Podcast Interview with Mr. Grant Perry How to Master The Art Of Sales. Favorite Quote: Zig Ziglar ” You can have everything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” #1 Key to business success:  Find a mentor.  Find someone who is doing what you want…

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FPB 025 How to Master The Art of Influence and Increase Your Personal Training Sales

Today’s Interview is with Jim Padilla. Jim is a Master Sales Trainer, and an expert team builder. He has coached 1,000’s of professionals in the sales process & leadership; where the focus is partnering with you to get yourself branded, your message clear, and ideas into action! Jim has built several championship teams—in sports and…

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FPB 024: 8 Step Internet Business Marketing System For Personal Trainers

In today’s podcast interview with Sherman Daley is a business growth specialist he works with small business owners in the San Diego area showing them how to leverage technology and the internet to grow their business. He has been in the Software Industry over 25 years and has working for Large Corporations in Application Development, Product…

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FPB 023: How To Build a Brand and Grow Your Personal Training Business

Today’s interview is with Peter Montoya.  Who is Peter Montoya? One of the industry’s most sought-after speakers, best-selling author of The Brand Called You, and the mastermind behind MarketingPro, Inc. Peter Montoya is quite possibly the most versatile speaker in the industry and can provide high-impact presentations in as little as 45 minutes, or easily…

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FPB 022: Find Your Vision, Passion And Purpose For Your Personal Training Business

Interview With Internationally know speaker and best selling co-author of the goal setting book Step into Your Vision Annette Pieper Annette’s Key to Success in Business: Is to Hire a coach or mentor.  You have to invest in yourself to grow your business.  In the long run it will save you a lot of time and money.…

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FPB 020 Online Lead Generation Tactics For Personal Training Business Owners

How to generate leads online for you Personal Training Business. In this episode with Online Marketing Expert Leigh Ann Levy you will learn how to generate leads online for your personal training, fitness business or boot camp, be seen as the authority for your market, and how to stay in top of mind awareness. Keys…

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FPB 019 Grow Your Personal Training Business With Great Leadership Skills and Have a Clear Vision

In this interview I have the great honor of interviewing Patrick Dean.  Patrick is a well-known Business Owner, Speaker and Seminar Leader. He has over thirty years’ experience in the design and implementation of leadership, communication, relationship and team building seminars.  He conducts seminars, workshops and internet training projects for clients all over the world. He…

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