FPB 003: Grow Your Personal Training Business an Interview With John Spencer Ellis
I’m so excited to bring you this interview with John Spencer Ellis who is a major influencer in the health and fitness industry. He is the President of NESTA a certifying agency for fitness professionals, he is a best selling author, and coach. He wears a lot of hats and has started and runs multiple…
FPB 002: Personal Training Business Owner Business Building Tips With Pat Rigsby
My jam packed interview with the one and only Pat Rigsby entreprenuer and fitness business coach extrodinaire IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: Pat’s ideas about running your ideal business and doing the things you love. Tips to grow your business #1) Figure out what you want your business to look like have a destination or…
Personal Training Business Building Tips Goal Setting, Revenue Producing Actions, How to Make $100,000 a Year a Personal Trainer, and the level 10 exercise.
Top 3 Needle Moving Exercise For your Personal Training Business to Boost Your Revenue and Production. My simplified Goal Setting Strategy I learned from Eric Lofholm “GSA” Goal, Strategy, Action Step #1) What is your goal? Write it down. Step #2) How are you going to obtain your goal? Map it out on paper.…
Personal Training Business: How to Generate Leads
Marketing to Generate More Leads The goal of each and every marketing piece you have is to generate leads. Whether that’s your website, print marketing, or article writing. Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. You should consistently have multiple marketing pieces and funnels going at all times. Here are examples. Lead Generating…
3 Keys To Growing Your Fitness Business
There are 3 vital steps to growing your fitness or service based business: Getting quality leads from effective marketing and referrals. Setting more appointments for consultation off leads. Closing more sales with an effect sales presentation. The step by step explanation of the sales process everyone should follow to close more sales. Step #1 It…
Cross Marketing to Build Your Personal Training Business
What is cross marketing and how can it help you build a thriving personal training business? Cross marketing are promotions between two different business to their customer base and are generally win win promotions for each business. Take out a sheet of paper and make a list of like minded business that target your ideal…
FPB 001: Interview with Ray Higdon
This week’s guest comes to us from the Network Marketing world. He’s Ray Higdon, who I got to know through Eric Lofholm’s podcast www.ilovesellingpodcast.com and he is jammed pack with marketing and business building know how. He is a best selling Amazon author and coach. He produces a ton of valuable content via his podcast, blog, youtube…
Market Your Personal Training Business Through Referrals

Don’t Make This Personal Trainer Marketing Mistake Most fitness business owners including myself at one time are making this crucial personal trainer marketing mistake – and here’s how you can avoid it. Most personal trainer marketing campaigns focus on generating new leads from a cold market. If you own a small personal training business or bootcamp it is very difficult…
Facebook Marketing for Personal Trainers
Social media has become more than a place where friends play games and post their latest activities. More and more businesses are reaching new customers through social media giants like Facebook. You can use Facebook to gain new clients for your personal training business if you know how to…
How To Make Prospecting And Selling a Synch in Your Personal Training Business

Most personal trainers that are starting a business forget about the most important part. They spend loads of time picking just the right logo, location, outlining their programs and services, and pricing their services. They’ll carefully weigh the best layout for their gym, and what equipment to purchase. I know because that is exactly what…